My 4-step coaching process is customized to fit you and your unique needs. Getting where you want to go isn’t always a straight line and there will be roadblocks, but I am here to help make sure you move them out of your way.
Uncover your C.A.R.E.S. To Succeed© Strengths and Opportunities
Identify Pain Points and Create Action Plans
Activate Your C.A.R.E.S. To Succeed© Plan & Track Progress
Recognize Your Success Through Success
Throughout my life, I’ve observed, learned from, and been an executive leader. I created the CARES To Succeed© framework because I’ve found that leaders who live these values and care about their teams, cultivate deeper connections and gain loyalty, which powerfully motivates teams and contributes to better business outcomes.
I help develop connected, emotionally smart, thriving and successful workplace leaders through power booster sessions or longer-term engagements. Over a 3-to-12-month period, I support leaders using my four-step process and unique coaching methods. I work to help others experience career advancement, meet their goals, and soar to future success. No matter where you are on the road, whether it be how you lead others or preparing to lead the function my goal is to enhance your skill set for any phase of your professional journey.
Team coaching and leadership workshops are also a part of my coaching services for organizations looking to improve their results and value the process. I strive to build a stronger culture by focusing on areas that foster high-performing teams such as trust, values, expectations, and communication. The teams I work with recognize that how you get results is as important as actually getting them, and seek to create authentic connections and caring relationships that support a highly positive team and organizational culture.
Whether you’re a new manager having a career challenge, a first-time director leading leaders of leaders, an executive who feels they need an outside sounding board, or an entrepreneur unsure of how to strategically proceed, the right leadership coach can help you soar.
Leadership coaching offers many benefits to advance not only leadership skills but also helps one develop professionally. It helps people reach their full potential, overcome obstacles easier, and create meaningful change within themselves and their organization.
It is important to foster an environment in your company that people are attracted to, and creates long-term success: this starts with leaders. “89% of the 665 business executives surveyed globally by Harvard Business Review Analytic Services in August 2022 agree that organizations with best-in-class leaders are more likely to be successful. Almost the same number of executives (90%) say that it’s important to provide leadership development more broadly across their organizations.”
Leadership coaching is not only an investment in your leaders but also an investment in the future development of your company. Strong leaders excel in strategic planning, team motivation, decision-making, problem-solving, building brand reputation, and stakeholder engagement. Take the time to grow your team’s leaders to see more sustainable and long-term success for both you and your organization.
Email, Call, or Schedule a free consultation. I’d be delighted to hear from you.